
The In-Between Time


Micki Mongogna-Alarcon

Science Fiction





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Shala is a beautiful, mysterious girl with long black hair and brilliant green eyes. She grows to love and appreciate Yantox, the man who found her and became a father figure. She doesn’t know who she is or where she came from. She tried to get answers from Yantox, but seeing the horrendous pain that it caused him, she decided she would find the answers herself.

Yantox can’t answer any questions regarding Shala’s heritage as he faces the same problem himself. The forest around the village harbors a mysterious course that causes humans that tread there and remain after dusk to meet with disastrous consequences.

Shala finds herself caught in between times where she remains herself, but the characters she meets see her very differently. She finds that her life continues to be confusing. A very special gift that she possesses will assist her by guiding her to safety. She learns that finding out who she is and where she belongs makes her a much stronger person.


Publication date November 16, 2024
Language English
ISBN 979-8-89518-549-0 (Paperback)
979-8-89518-550-6 (E-BOOK)


Pages 118
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 6.000" x 9.000" (229mm x 152mm)