
Whisper of Hope, Cry of Despair


Vicky Bedi






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This book is the autobiography of Vicky Bedi. It began, however, as a biography of her mother, who allowed Vicky to write about American society in the mid-to-late twentieth century; the experiences of Slavic, French, and East Indian immigrants in the United States around the turn of the twentieth century; child and spouse abuse perpetrated by women as well as men; the effects of intergenerational abuse; and murder and suicide.

Vicky hopes to educate people about the American poor in the twentieth century and to broaden people’s perspective on American life. Not all Americans had the benefit of understanding mainstream American culture and society, as well as knowing the language of the nation and having a supportive family. Perhaps this book can help us all better understand present-day immigrants as well.


Publication date October 18, 2024
Language English
ISBN 979-8-89518-383-0 (Paperback)
979-8-89518-384-7 (E-BOOK)


Pages 76
Interior Color Black and White
Book Size 5.000" x 8.000" (203mm x 127mm)